Steph's Stuff: Every Mother

Friday, April 04, 2008

Every Mother

Every Mother should be able to leave and go on a retreat of some sort throughout the year. I know for me I always look forward to chorus retreats or chorus competitions, when I know I get a break from everyday life. I don't have to think about paying bills, kids, husband, or anything really other than singing and looking good. This is a time for me and just me! Being a mother means most times that you are last in line. Your family always comes first. It is important to have a time where you can find who you are again. For me, music is such a huge part of who I am that, being a Sweet Adeline was the right thing for me. Not only do I get to go on retreats and to competitions (now all over the world since we are winning our region), I go to a weekly rehearsal every Monday night. Again I get me time.

I feel that I am a better mother, because I give time to myself. Yes, I am gone every Monday night, but I am home with my children all the time and the time that I am able to spend with them is better time because I have had a time of renewal for myself. I encourage all mothers, to get involved in a hobby or with their church, a mom's club, or something that will allow them to have time to themselves.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:36 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

AMEN! I totally agree with that b/c it let's us refresh ourselves.

5:57 PM  
Blogger Angie Morris said...


2:25 PM  

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