Steph's Stuff: Its a good day

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Its a good day

Well its just a normal day really but I had more energy today than I have in the past two weeks. I think this is because I have included B vitamins back in my diet. Well okay I am taking B vitamins. I also went to the tanning bed yesterday since it was rainy and I have made a point to go out in the sun when it is shining. I really can tell a difference.

Yesterday I started teaching a new student and well his voice is changing. So when I asked him to sing a one note a different note came out. He barely has any range at all right now. I know this will change, and I know I should continue to teach him so that he will have a great range when his voice is finished changing but man this is going to be a challenge indeed. I love teaching my students and I love this challenge of coaching them to be better singers and musicians. I may not be too upset if I don't go back to public school teaching after all. If I can just grow my studio to about 7 more students, I know we can deal with that income.


Blogger Angie Morris said...

you are following your dream so that's what you need to do if you can..........I'm proud of you for that :)

2:14 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Fleming said...

where is your studio, my cousin takes voice lessons

9:10 PM  

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